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This website is a collection of informations to build a multicopter.
There are forums, wikis, documentations, websites, a lot of stuff about multicopters.
But so far I realised that I have to dig through all websites to find the information I need.
As I do not want to have just a flying copter, I want a copter with everything I like.
And I do not want to test everything that was already tested by hundreds of copter pilots.
(But I will do some tests like 3-bladed props or shrouded props)
And right now I have this feeling when I want to know something:
As I collect this information anyway and as I have not found any similar website, I just place this online.
If you have anything to add or if you find a mistake, please let me know via  hort (at)
About my copter plan:
I wanted to build a multicopter since a long time, but my job keeps me busy.
So I first start with collecting informations now and when I have more time, I build my copter.
Actually two: A small test-build and hit-the-wall copter and then a large one with a Sony NEX camera.
And as I am a developer, I would like to add many sensors, then video and who know what else...
Perhaps shrouded props, perhaps a whole GFK casing for the copter that it looks nice, ..
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